Here are some frequently asked questions by our buyers.

How do I place an order with your company?

You can place your order by making a selection of the products from our catalog shop. Mention the quantities you want to order and we shall send you a proforma invoice within 24-48 working hours.

How can I see your catalog?

In order to get access to ourproduct catalog you will first have to register on our website by sharing some personal and business information. Once you register you will get user id and password to access our product catalog on our website.

What is the price validity once I receive the Quotation?

Our price validity is generally of 30 days from the date of proforma invoice that will be sent to you.

Do you customize as per our design, colour & size?

Yes we can customize all our products to meet your requirements of design, colour & size. You can mail us your custom requirement at info@shahenazexports.com 

What is your sampling lead time?

Depending on the product category our sampling lead time is between 3-4 weeks.

What is your production lead time?

Our production lead time is generally between 60-75 days after receiving all approvals.

Where do you ship your products generally?

We ship our product to over 40 countries across the globe.

Do you work with your own freight forwarder?

We are flexible using both our freight forwarder as well as your nominated freight forwarder.

Which Sea port and Airport do you use for shipping?

Most of our shipments go by sea and we use Nhava Sheva port in Mumbai as sea port. If the shipment needs to go by air then we send it from Delhi Airport.

What are your payment terms?

Our payment terms are 30% advance and balance 70% against Bill of Lading. We also work on Letter of Credit with certain buyers under exceptional circumtances.

Which currency do you accept?

Mostly all transactions are done in US Dollars however with certain European customers we also accept Euros.

Do you work on credit?

Sorry we do not work on credit facility.